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Where Engineering Meets Creativity

Handmade decor that makes your house feel like home

Toys for Summer Fun

Fun toys for kids this summer!

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Engineers can be creative too

Engineered Artistry is where creativity and engineering collide. Run by a PhD student in Materials Engineering, Engineered Artistry presents a unique take on all things handmade.

About the Maker

My name is Taylor Sloop, and I have a passion for knitting. I started knitting when I was 10 years old so that I could make my cousin a Christmas Stocking. Now, I've expanded my skills to include blankets, scarves, sweaters, and more

I'm also earning my PhD in Materials Engineering, so I only choose the best materials for my products. I can also customize or design anything since knitting is all math, and I have years of training in calculus and statistics.

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